Campus Plan Amendment

A summary of the proposed draft amendment to the Campus Plan can be accessed using the following link:

Summary of Proposed Campus Plan Amendment

Thank you to all who provided comments through the online public comment survey.

Campus Plan Amendment


To incorporate the university’s land north of Franklin Boulevard into the Campus Plan to guide essential future campus development and connect people to the Willamette River based on Campus Plan principles. The amendment will be consistent with the new Conditional Use Permit (2018), which was designed to accommodate the university’s long-term potential needs.


The Campus Plan guides all campus development by establishing the principles and patterns to achieve a shared vision. This shared vision ensures physical changes to campus will lead the University of Oregon toward a unified and successful campus design supporting its mission of teaching, discovery, and service. Currently much of the university’s land north of Franklin Boulevard is not incorporated into the Campus Plan because it was previously reserved for the purposes of a research park (the subject of a City of Eugene Conditional Use Permit that expired in 2012) and some of the land has only been recently acquired by the university. 


The Campus Plan is organized by 12 Principles. While all 12 principles apply, the amendments will primarily focus on Principle 2 – Open-space Framework, Principle 3 – Densities, and Principle 12 – Design Area Special Conditions. Specifically, the amendments will use the Framework Vision Project and Conditional Use Permit as the basis to establish a framework of designated open spaces and major campus pathways, establish building density guidelines, and identify development opportunities and constraints. Updates to other areas of the Campus Plan will be included as needed to result in a complete and comprehensive Plan. 


The Campus Plan amendment process began in Winter Term 2020 with the original goal of completing the process by the end of the 2019/2020 academic year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the schedule was adjusted to ensure engagement with the campus community. In February 2021, the Campus Planning Committee’s recommendation to approve the amendment was submitted to President Schill and received the president’s approval on February 15, 2021.


The Campus Plan amendment is part of a multi-year, multi-step planning process for university land north of Franklin Boulevard. All previous steps have included extensive public outreach. 

amendment process


The Campus Plan amendment is a Campus Planning Committee (CPC) process led by the Office of Campus Planning. Throughout the process, opportunities for engagement have been and will continue to be provided. Leadership from academic colleges, Research and Innovation, Student Life, and university administration were engaged at the outset of the amendment process. Campus Planning held an open house on March 9, 2020, and will continue to facilitate engagement opportunities to provide information and receive feedback from interested members of the university and wider community. As this is a CPC process CPC members have provided direction and feedback through regular CPC meetings, and will continue to do so during Fall Term. The CPC process culminates with a CPC public hearing and the committee taking action in the form of a recommendation to the President.   

While all CPC meetings are open to the public, a public hearing differs in that we will be providing 30-days notice to the director of the Eugene Planning Division and to designated representatives of each recognized neighborhood organization that abuts the campus (although neighborhood chairs have been notified throughout the process). Notice of the hearing is also given by publication in the Daily Emerald at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing. Other means of providing notice will be providing notification to our extensive interested parties email list. This is in accordance with the Campus Plan, Principle 1, page 22, Meeting Notification.

As a general note, this is part of the CPC process for amendments to the Campus Plan (see page 22 of the Campus Plan: /campus-plan). We have, and will continue to, encourage all interested parties to attend open houses, visit the website, and attend project CPC meetings ahead of the public hearing (a CPC formality) to learn about the project, and provide feedback. All feedback will be considered by the CPC (it is not necessary for comments to be submitted again at the Public Hearing).

Engagement opportunities will be posted on this web page and announced via the interested parties email list. 


Site History and Additional Background Information

Campus Physical Framework Vision Project

North Campus Conditional Use Permit

CPC Meeting 3 Presentation

President's Letter

Recreation Field Location Options Study



For more information or to provide feedback, please contact:

Aaron Olsen, ASLA
Landscape Planning Associate
(541) 346-5564