Willamette River Natural Area Landscape Management Plan
Develop a landscape management plan (the Plan) that supports the long-term vision established in the Campus Plan for the Willamette River Natural Area designated open-space. The Plan will provide Campus Planning and Facilities Management (CPFM) more detailed guidance on landscape maintenance activities, habitat management, and restoration efforts to preserve and improve habitat values while accommodating compatible education, research, and recreation uses.
CPFM staff representing the offices of sustainability, campus planning, and facilities services will serve as the management team for the project. Development of the Plan will be led by JK Environments, a local consultant with expertise in projects that evaluate, enhance, and restore the natural environment. As part of the process a habitat advisory team (HAT) comprised of local experts and key stakeholders will provide technical expertise and input to inform the Plan.
Habitat Advisory Team
The Plan is specific to the Willamette River Natural Area designated 0pen-space which is approximately24 acres in size. Areas outside of the designated open-space will be considered for context but are not the focus of the Plan.
January 2022 – June 2022 (estimated completion)
A number of planning efforts for the university’s riverfront land have been completed, most recently amending the Campus Plan creating the Willamette River Natural Area designated open space. The Campus Plan establishes a long-term vision for the natural area. A landscape management plan will provide more detailed guidance for CPFM to direct maintenance and management efforts toward realizing the vision established for the natural area along the river. Future conceptual designs or master plans may look at more dramatic, large scale changes to the riverfront when there is funding but implementing a landscape management plan provides an opportunity for a gradual transition of the open space to align with the goals in the Campus Plan.
Additional Background Information: (Includes links to the following)
- Campus Physical Framework Vision Project
- North Campus Conditional Use Permit
- Campus Plan Amendment for Land North of Franklin Blvd
For more information or to provide feedback, please contact:
Aaron Olsen, ASLALandscape Planning Associateaaolsen@uoregon.edu(541) 346-5564