There are two land use processes currently underway related to updates the university completed to the UO East Campus Area Plan (December, 2024) and the construction of the next two residence halls:
- Vacation of Moss Alley (transfer of ownership from City of Eugene to UO)
- Amendments to the Eugene land use code and Fairmount/UO Special Area Study (refinement plan).
Status of Amendments to the land use code and refinement plan
The university intends to complete amendments to the City of Eugene land use code and the University / Fairmount Special Area Study Refinement Plan by January, 2026. Dates shown below are tentative and will be updated as the project develops.
- Outreach and engagement is ongoing
- Spring 2025 - Submit application (anticipated March)
- Fall 2025 - Planning Commission meeting (anticipated Sep/Oct)
- Fall 2025 - City Council meeting including public hearing (anticipated Nov/Dec)
Status of Moss Alley Vacation (transfer of ownership from City of Eugene to UO)
In order to construct the next residence hall project the university is applying for a portion of the Moss Alley to be vacated (transfer of ownership from City of Eugene to UO). It is intended the vacation process will be complete by June, 2025.
- Outreach and engagement is ongoing
- Application submitted in December 2024
- City completeness review completed and UO completeness items submitted in January 2025
- Spring 2025 - City Council meeting including public hearing (anticipated April/May)

Diagram summarizing land use changes
Summary of Proposed Land Use Changes
- Remove the East Campus Overlay zone from property north of 15th Avenue (zone change)
- Allow residence halls in the East Campus Overlay zone (currently, student apartments are permitted among other institutional uses). (code amendment)
- Amend the East Campus Overlay Zone to increase allowed height from 45 feet (3 stories) to 85 feet (7 stories) maximum. (code amendment)
- Limit the height of buildings within 75 feet of R-1 property to 45 feet (an increase in distance from 60 feet and an increase in building height from 30 feet). (code amendment)
- No proposed code changes along Villard Street. Maintain R-1 zone (allows up to 37 feet maximum building height).
The purpose of the updated East Campus Area Plan (2024) is to accommodate future student housing and support needs while maintaining an appropriate transition between university uses and the surrounding residential neighborhood. The East Campus Area Plan divides the East Campus Design Area into three analytical areas:
- Institutional allows a range of institutional uses, including residence halls, per the Eugene Code. The Campus Plan indicates a general guideline of 4 institutional stories, while the PL zone does not specify a height limit in this area.
- Limited Institutional allows a range of institutional and high density residential uses, including residence halls. Building heights are generally limited to seven residential stories or 85 foot maximum. Within 75 feet of R-1 zoned property, building heights are limited to 45 feet.
- Residential allows uses and building heights per R-1 zone (up to 37 feet maximum)
The East Campus Area Plan is codified in the Eugene Code in the form of an East Campus Overlay zone and the University of Oregon / Fairmount Special Area Study.
Updates to the East Campus Area Plan has been informed by the Next Generation Housing Master Plan.
Updates are being informed by the East Campus Area Plan (2024), the Campus Plan, and the Next Generation Housing Development Plan. Throughout the process, opportunities for engagement have been and will continue to be provided.
Next Generation Housing Development Plan
Site History and Additional Background Materials
19th & Agate Special Area Study
Fairmount / University of Oregon Special Area Study
Gov Brown’s Executive Order from 2020
For more information, to provide feedback, or be added to an interested parties list, please contact:
Aaron Olsen, ASLA
Assistant Director
(541) 346-5564