
If you are looking to purchase furniture, a member of the Design Services team can assist you in selecting the right products to meet your project needs. Our team can provide you with furniture and finish options, layout/space planning, order placement, and install coordination. In addition, we can provide information on ADA guidelines and requirements, the quality of varying products on the market, and product warranties. Our goal is to ensure you get the value and service you are looking for when selecting and purchasing furniture.

If you are looking to order basic furniture, and do not need any assistance with layout or material/color selections, we can set up a direct connection for furniture procurement with one of our approved vendors.

When you are ready to get started, please submit a request using the Project Initiation Form, and a member of our design team will be in touch with you.

For more information, please refer to the Furniture FAQs or contact:

Alison Hake, Interior Designer
Design & Construction