Historic Landscapes Surveys

Within the established period of significance (1876-1974), twenty-one landscape areas were surveyed and recorded for the Campus Heritage Landscape Plan.  All surveyed landscape areas are identified as designated open spaces in the Campus Plan.  A landscape survey form developed specifically for this study was designed to evaluate the character-defining features, level of integrity, associated era or eras, and condition.  

All of these historic resources received rankings based on their historic significance and integrity, creating a hierarchy that allows for protection of the most important resources while allowing for needed new development.

Historic Landscape Surveys

13th Avenue

15th Avenue Axis

Amphitheater Green

Dad's Gates Axis

Emerald Axis

Gerlinger Entrance Green

Gerlinger Field Green

Johnson Lane Axis

Kincaid Green

Knight Library Axis

Memorial Quad

Old Campus Quadrangle

Onyx Axis

Pioneer Axis


Straub Hall Green

SW Campus Axis

SW Campus Green

University Hall Walk Axis (formerly Deady Hall Walk Axis)

University Street Axis

Villard Hall Green