Program Overview
The primary goal of the UO Energy Management Program (Program) is to manage cost, risk and opportunity associated with production, delivery and use of steam, chilled water, electricity, and other utilities, and to support University management with utility related data products. The program is managed by the Energy Manager under supervision of the Director of Utilities and Energy. Progressive expansion and coordination of strategic energy management across all UO campuses and facilities is planned.
The Program consists of a variety of interrelated elements: Administration, Accounting & Finance, Data, and Efficiency Projects (see Business Process Schematic). Activities in these areas contribute to effective management of energy and resource consumption, and cost and risk. Organization of the Program into these specific, manageable elements aids in setting goals, developing actions, and tracking results. The Energy Management Team promotes coordination of these energy management activities with partners across the institution.
Over the past 5-years Campus Services/Facilities/Utilities has initiated use of strategic energy management planning (SEMP) to achieving significant levels of energy savings. This approach is based on the understanding that SEMP is a successful and well-established practice used by many large educational institutions throughout the country, and has proven to be one of the most successful means of improving management of opportunity risk and cost associated with utility use. Please access The University’s SEMP 2020 Document HERE.
Heating - Central Steam Plant Annual water use, gallons Annual water cost Cooling - Chilled Water Plant Annual water use, gallons Annual water cost | Amount 3,049,000 $15,028 Amount 29,730,000 $94,735 |