The Campus Planning Committee (CPC) advises the President on long-range campus development with regard to buildings, landscaping, and transportation policy.
It was established in 1969 by action of the University Administration. The Campus Planning Committee combined and superseded two previous committees: (1) Buildings and Grounds Committee, and (2) Campus Development Committee.
Charges and Responsibilities
The Campus Planning Committee shall advise the university President on long-range campus development with regard to the design of the campus, including buildings and landscaping, and to policy issues related to transportation. The committee shall ensure that all development is in compliance with the current Campus Plan. The Campus Planning Committee's duties shall include the following:
- serving as the primary author of proposed amendments and periodic updates to the Campus Plan;
- verifying the conclusions of the Biennial Capacity Plan as required by the Campus Plan;
- reviewing proposed development project designs for compliance with the Campus Plan;
- serving on architect selection committees for development projects;
- serving on project user groups; and
- reviewing policy issues related to transportation to determine their consistency with the university's transportation plan.
Membership and Voting
Membership of the Campus Planning Committee is not fixed. Typically it shall consist of 8-10 faculty and/or Officers of Administration (minimum 5 teaching faculty), 5 students, and 1 classified staff member selected from the university at large. It will also include 1 faculty member who is appointed for a three-year term by the Senate President and is in the University Senate at the time of appointment. In addition, the committee will include the following ex-officio members: a representative of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Dean of College of Design, a representative of the Accessible Education Center, the head of Campus Planning and Facilities Management or designee, the head of Campus Planning, and each Vice President or designee.
Members are approved by the President. Faculty, Officers of Administration, and Classified Staff members serve three-year terms (staggered). Students typically serve one-year terms although two-year appointments are encouraged. Ex-officio appointments are indefinite.
Each member, including ex-officio members, is entitled to vote at all meetings.
Because some appointments are not made until after the beginning of fall term, the committee from the previous year may remain in place until the new committee has its first meeting.
The Campus Planning Committee shall report to the Administration. The Committee shall also provide reports to the University Senate. At a minimum these reports shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate no later than the University Senate meeting in October. As part of its reporting duties to the University Senate, the Campus Planning Committee will provide an oral report to the Senate in the autumn on progress on major projects over the previous year and a look forward to significant projects that are anticipated or under consideration. Major projects are defined as those projects requiring authorization from the legislature via the Capital Construction Budget Request or the Emergency Board. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary. In particular, the Senate will receive announcements regarding Campus Planning Committee meetings reviewing the design for major projects and public forums on major projects.
Meetings are scheduled as often as is deemed necessary (typically about twice a month). Members are notified about the time and place for all meetings in advance of said meetings. All committee meetings are open to the public.
Next meeting: Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 3:30pm - 5:00pm (coming soon)
To find a specific agenda item by date, please refer to the Annual Reports below.
2024/2025 Meeting Records
2023/2024 Meeting Records
2022/2023 Meeting Records
Annual Reports
Officers' Duties
The chair of the Campus Planning Committee is selected from committee members by majority vote and approved by the President. This typically occurs during the fall term for the upcoming academic year. The chair serves a one-year term and cannot serve more than three consecutive years. The chair presides at all meetings, is responsible for appointing subcommittee members and is responsible for appointing user group members for individual development projects. In the event the chair is unable to attend a meeting, the chair may designate a temporary replacement to preside over the meeting.
The chairperson may appoint subcommittees as needed with concurrence of committee members. The chairperson may appoint a chairperson for each subcommittee or may serve in that capacity himself or herself.
Typically, the committee is divided into two subcommittees: the Design Review (DR) Subcommittee and the Development Policy, Implementation and Transportation (DPIT) Subcommittee. Even though most committee members will serve on only one subcommittee, all members will receive notices and records of all meetings, and all are welcome to attend and participate in any of them.
Contact Information
For more information about the CPC, contact:
Clare Kurth
Planning Associate