Space is a valuable resource of the university. Information about university-owned and occupied space is maintained in UO Spaces, a live, web-based space management database managed by Campus Planning. UO Spaces was created by University of Oregon personnel from CASIT, Campus GIS, and Campus Planning and is based on the national inventory and classification system used by most major American universities.
The space database serves many functions. Most significantly, it helps the university meet federal requirements related to accurate tracking of all space under the university's control. It is an essential component in formulating the university's Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Cost rate. It allows us to provide consistent data to federal, state, and other agencies and to conduct and participate in benchmarking studies with our peer institutions.
Space management, academic planning, and capital projections are additional activities supported by UO Spaces. For this reason, accuracy and timeliness of the live data are essential. Data analyses assess whether sufficient facilities resources exist in such categories as classrooms, research labs, residence halls, and administrative support to fulfill the university's mission. They are used in decision-making on how to maximize the use of existing space and to plan for future needs by answering basic questions about how much space is available, what kind of space it is, to whom it is assigned, and how efficiently it is being used.
The data also may be used by the schools and colleges, as well as individual units, to maintain allocation and utilization data on their own spaces for internal decision-making.
Additional potential for the UO Spaces application lies in its ability to link to other existing databases, such as operations and maintenance, equipment, land/property, and indirect cost recovery systems, providing a connection to financial, academic, human resources, and other programmatic databases.
UO Spaces relies heavily on various institutional data sources, but the core data comes from Campus Planning, Design and Construction, Campus GIS data, HRIS, and FIS. Each department on campus has an appointed space coordinator (Unit Editor) responsible for entering and updating the UO Spaces database.
University employees who wish to obtain read-only access to their unit's data may submit the Access Request Form found on the UO Spaces home page. Other space data inquiries can be directed to Marie Swarringim.
For information related to UO Spaces, please contact:
Marie Swarringim
Space Data Program Analyst