Sustainable Labs

beakers with clear liquids sit on a table with a few leaves sticking out

UO lab spaces are resource-intensive, consuming 2-3x more energy than typical offices and generating significant amounts of waste that are not collected through typical recycling streams. The Sustainable Labs program seeks to increase sustainable practices in UO labs while maintaining research integrity as a Tier 1 research institution. Through the program, labs can increase recycling rates, decrease use of hazardous materials and energy consumption, and reduce costs.

Designed with folks in the lab in mind, the program utilizes a badge system. Labs can pursue one or more badges relevant to their goals, and there is no required order for completing the badges. The first two badges offered are waste management and energy consumption, piloting during the 2024-25 school year and launching in October 2025. A high-level breakdown of the two badges is provided in the timeline below. 

Is your lab interested in pursuing one or both badges? Fill out our interest form and we will reach out with more information!

Questions? Reach out to Katie Lucca (


    January-March 2024

    Working group convened

    A working group was convened to ideate the structure of the Sustainable Labs program. Stakeholders from the College of Arts and Sciences, Office of Sustainability, and Environmental, Health, and Safety department selected the program components, discussed reward and recognition opportunities, and explored ways to encourage a sustainable lab culture. The initial focus areas of the program, selected by the working group and referred to as "badges", are waste management and energy consumption. 


    October 2024-March 2025

    Waste management badge pilot

    Broken into the three categories "reduce, reuse, and recycle", the waste management badge directs labs to develop a comprehensive Laboratory Waste Management Plan. While the contents of the plan vary depending on the lab, in general, it includes opportunities for product substitutions, inter-lab sharing, and chemical and non-chemical reuse. Participating labs receive a free recycling bin to recycle hard-to-recycle lab items like pipette tips and petri dishes as part of this badge.


    January-May 2025

    Energy consumption badge pilot

    The energy consumption badge focuses on managing fume hoods, freezers, and other energy-intensive equipment in a way that reduces energy while maintaining process efficiencies in the lab. 


    October 2025

    Program launch

    The Sustainable Labs program will launch in October 2025.