Three UO employees from the Business Affairs Office smile while they hold their Green Office certificate
About the Program
For decades, decentralized programs have emerged to help offices green their practices. The Office of Sustainability developed the Green Office Program to unite these efforts under a common framework that recognizes University of Oregon offices that:
• Adopt best practices
• Commit to reducing impacts
• Measure their performance
The Green Office scorecard tracks office sustainability across seven categories including: prerequisites, energy, materials management, purchasing, transportation, events, and disaster preparedness. Offices are awarded a bronze, silver, gold, or platinum level certification by completing and submitting a scorecard. Certifications need to be renewed after three years. The GO program is creating a network of office champions who are actively reducing the environmental impacts of their work and workplaces.
Green Office Orientation
Each fall, the Office of Sustainability provides orientation training for UO employees in administrative units responsible for office management. The Green Office Orientation will:
- Introduce you to the numerous green campus support services available at UO.
- Show you how to evaluate your office by completing the GO scorecard.
- Start the GO certification process.
- Stimulate thinking about sustainability and resiliency in your workplace.
The Green Office Orientation will be held October 23rd, 2024 from 12:00-2:00pm in the EMU. Sign up for the event here.
Email Sarah Stoeckl, sstoeckl@uoregon.edu, with any questions about the orientation or the program.