Contact: Work Control Center
Submit a service request
The Maintenance Support Shop supports the work of Campus Planning and Facilities Management, providing a variety of support services for campus, including moving services, banner hanging, event setup, surplus furniture pickup and delivery, etc.
For all e-waste and capitalized assets > $5000 fill out the property disposition form located here
Gabe Hein
Maintenance Support Supervisor

Scaffolding $100 per day
Lift Rental $50/hr. with a 4-hour minimum. Requires approved operator and operator hourly fee is additional.
Delivery Responsibilities:
- At delivery, customer assumes possession of and responsibility for all rental products ordered.
- Items will be dropped off or set up, as specified, when placing the order with Work Control Center.
- It is the customer’s responsibility to receive, inspect, and count all items delivered.
- Either the customer or an agent for the customer will need to sign documentation stating that all items received arrived in good working condition. If no one will be on site to receive the items, arrangements will need to be made in advance. Return trips will result in additional labor charges.
- Immediately report any problems regarding your rental items.
Pickup Responsibilities and Guidelines:
- Items will be picked up from where they were dropped off unless prior arrangements were made, and Work Control Center was notified. If rental items are for an evening event, or on the weekend, it is the customer’s responsibility to contact the building liaison and make arrangements for storing items until they can be picked up. Customer is to place all items in the said location.
- Podiums need to be protected from the weather and not left out overnight.
- Be sure tables and chairs are clean from food and debris.
- Please check your order before Facilities Services arrives to ensure all items are present.
- If you or your onsite contact is not present at the appointed pickup time, the pickup product counts will be final. Any missing items will be billed according to current replacement cost.
- For outdoor events, stages and podiums need to be protected from the weather.
- If anything did not work well or meet your expectations, please communicate this information to