Surplus Office Supplies

The Office of Sustainability created an online surplus property exchange to help staff find homes for unwanted equipment. The site functions much like Craigslist, but only supports UO staff and UO-owned property. This program was transferred to the Business Affairs Office which has maintained and improved it over the last several years. Reuse Office Supply Exchange (ROSE) is another reuse program available on campus that was created and is operated by other campus units.

How to Use the Surplus Property Listings

Step 1. Go to:

Step 2. Log in using your Duck ID and return to the Surplus Property Listings homepage

Step 3. Use the Listing Categories to find available items or search for something particular

Step 4. When you find an item you would like, click on it and you will be provided with the seller’s contact information including name, department, e-mail address and phone number.

Step 5. Receive your item!

Step 6. Post listing for any items around your office you no longer have use for but would like to recycle to a fellow university member.