
Start your college life with an orientation experience
focused on environment, justice, service, and friends.
Food sustains life. It defines cultures. And it's also a big contributor to global warming and social injustice. During this trip, you can learn about local sustainable agriculture and what you can do to make empowered, justice-driven, and environmentally-friendly food choices.
Eugene and the Willamette Valley boasts some of the best biking and bike infrastructure in the country. We have experts both on campus and in the community who are researching and implementing ways to make how we get around part of how we build a sustainable future. Discover how both personal choices and conscientious design can change our cities for the better.
What does it mean to explore, protect, and understand the natural world? How do we shift our perspective to see nature as something we are all a part of and not something separate from human life and culture? Who were the original stewards of this land and how are Indigenous peoples continuing to shape the land we call Oregon and the UO? Learn about preservation, restoration, recreation, culture, and natural resources management while camping on the beautiful McKenzie River or on the Oregon Coast.

Environmental leadership requires many forms and approaches. Everyone has a role to play. Use this orientation experience to explore how you can make your mark throught art and culture and help create a more just and sustainable world.