Frequently Asked Questions

Don't see the answer you're looking for? Email Sarah Stoeckl at sstoeckl@uoregon.edu

COVID-19 Pandemic

How are COVID-19 and physical distancing requirements affecting the ARC, move-in, and the orientation trip?

University of Oregon will prioritize the physical health and safety of students, staff, faculty, and visitors during the pandemic. Find out more on the university's COVID-19 page or by contacting UO Housing for questions specifically related to move-in and residence hall protocols and plans. The Environmental Leaders ARC director is working closely with University Housing and other stakeholders as plans are made for the residence halls and student life on campus in academic year 2023-24. Right now, we expect that ARC activities and courses will proceed without significant disruption but will make adjustments in pandemic conditions, or other issues, require changes. We may ask that masks be worn or that students take other precautions at various points during the trips to protect the health and comfort of community members, businesses, and others that you may meet with as part of the orientation trip. We encourage all ARC students to choose the precautions that make you most comfortable with participating and request that all respect each others' preferences and comfort levels. 


How do I sign up?

First, apply for university housing and select "ARC - Environmental Leaders" in the "Community Preferences" section. Then, fill out the Supplemental Application page which will show up at the end of your housing application. We'll be in contact with you soon about your application. 

What does it cost? 

$425. This fee covers expenses related to the orientation trip. If cost is a barrier to you, still apply and there may be funds to offset the cost for you.

When is the ARC move-in and trips for 2023?

Move-in for this ARC will be Sunday September 17. The trips will run from Monday September 18-Wednesday September 20, and we will have a required volunteering activity and Thursday September 21 and/or Friday September 22.

Can I join ARC and enroll in a First-Year Interest Group (FIG)?

Yes. Unless the specific course times of a particular FIG and ARC conflict, students may participate in both programs. If they do conflict, please drop the FIG.

Can I go on the orientation trip if I'm not part of Environmental Leaders ARC? 

No. The Environmental Leaders ARC is designed to be an immersive experience that begins with this orientation trip. 

I can’t arrive on campus until after Sunday September 17 . . .? 

All Environmental Leaders ARC residents need to move in between the designated move-in hours and attend the orientation activities. The exact move-in date for the 2023 is still being determined.

Orientation Trip

Where will we be sleeping during the trip?

Generally, at a group campsite. Some students may spend one night in a dorm.

Will I get my first choice of orientation engagements?

Opportunities will fill on a first-come, first-served basis. As programs fill, we will let you know which ones are still available.

What if I'm in the Clark Honors College or Oregon Marching Band, or have other on-campus requirements during the trip? 

We are usually able to accommodate students who need to return to campus for a portion of the orientation to meet other requirements, although you are limited to the trips that remain close to Eugene: Pedal Project, Project Tomato, and Art+Activism. Students will still need to pay the full cost of the trip fee. It is challenging to be part of this ARC and in Oregon Marching Band. Please contact both Sarah Stoeckl and the coordinator for OMB to discuss.

How physically rigorous is the orientation trip?

Each program incorporates physical activity that should be considered beginning to moderate and we are also happy to work with students to accommodate their needs. We plan breaks throughout the day to balance the biking, hiking, or harvesting. Exercise leading up to the program is encouraged, not just to prepare for the orientation trip, but for healthy and sustained well-being throughout your life. Send an email to Sarah Stoeckl (sstoeckl@uoregon.edu) if you have further questions about trip logistics or if you require accommodation.

What if I have a food allergy, am vegan, or have other dietary needs?

Sarah Stoeckl will be emailing you over the summer to get all sorts of information, including this. We’ll definitely accommodate you! (Be sure to check your email regularly...)

What if I need to cancel attending the trip?

You can cancel attending the trip and withdraw from the ARC up to 30 days before the ARC move-in day. After 30 days, you will still be charged for the trip even if you are unable to attend. If you need to make an unplanned return to your on-campus room during the trip, you will be charged the regular UO Housing fee for those room nights in addition to the trip fees. If you have an emergency situation arise, please contact Sarah Stoeckl, sstoeckl@uoregon.edu.

I don’t have a sleeping bag or a backpack!

A limited supply of gear--backpacks, sleeping mats, sleeping bags, and other gear including rain clothing and hiking boots--is available to rent through the Outdoor Program. If you need to borrow one of these items, please call the University of Oregon Outdoor Program to reserve the items you need.

I wasn’t planning on bringing a bike to campus. Can I still do the biking trip?

Yes! The UO rents bikes to students for this activity and our staff take care of all the bike rental arrangements. (Psst: you can also rent a bike for the whole term through the Peace Health rides project).


Do I have to take the ENVS 203 course in fall quarter and UGST 112, the Environmental Leaders ARC course in fall and winter?

Yes, these courses are all required of Environmental Leaders ARC students.  

What if there's a scheduling conflict with a course that's required for something else?

For the most part, these situations are rare. It is a requirement of being in this ARC that you take all of the required courses throughout your first year at the UO. If there are conflicts we will work with you to figure out a solution on a case-by-case basis.


What if I want to share a room with a person who isn’t registered for the Environmental Leaders ARC?

Only Environmental Leaders students will live in that section of Justice Bean hall. If you have a preferred roommate, we recommed that they should apply to be part of the Environmental Leaders ARC too! 

What types of rooms are there in Justice Bean Hall? 

Justice Bean Hall is recently renovated and has double rooms available for ARC students. For more information, including the costs of each room type, see the housing website

Where is Justice Bean Hall? 

Justice Bean Hall is located on the east side of campus, near Matthew Knight Arena. It's centrally located, within a 5-10 minute walk from most everything on campus. 


Don't see the answer you're looking for? Email Sarah Stoeckl at sstoeckl@uoregon.edu