2024 UO Sustainability Awards
Student Leadership - Graduate and Undergraduate
Meredith Jacobson and Kyle Trefny for their work on the FireGen Collaborative.
Recognizes students who have made significant impacts towards human equity, environmental vitality, and economic well-being at the UO. Sponsored by the Student Sustainability Center.
Research and Scholarship
Yekang Ko, Landscape Architecture
Recognizes a University of Oregon project whose innovations were developed in the course of UO research and are now offered as publicly available products or services that improve sustainability. Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation.
Sustainable Purchasing
Information Services for sustainable best practices in the purchasing, management, and disposal of information technology hardware.
Recognizes an employee or team for the introduction of a sustainability best practice into their department or unit’s purchasing of goods or services. Sponsored by Purchasing and Contracting Services.
Excellence in Teaching
Melissa Graciosa and Aniko Drlik-Muehleck, School of Planning, Public Policy and Management in the College of Design
Recognizes faculty who have developed pedagogy and curriculum that reinforce and advance principles of sustainability through course design and instruction. Sponsored by Office of the Provost's Teaching Engagement Program.
Sustainable Student Programming and Support
Academic Residential Communities (ARC), for support for first-year students on themes related to environmental and social sustainability.
Recognizes an individual, team, or department unit for student-focused programs, projects, or initiatives related to sustainability. Sponsored by the Division of Student Life.
Campus Design
Roger Thompson and Michael Griffel, sponsorship of the Hamilton-Walton Housing Transformation Project.
Recognizes units or individuals who have demonstrated leadership and creativity in support of the Oregon Model for Sustainable Development. Sponsored by Campus Planning and Design and Construction.
Town and Gown
Benjamin Clark, Matt McRae, and Steve Adams for Oregon Wildfire Recovery Summit, 2023, partnership between UO and Lane County
Recognizes individuals or groups for projects that promote, educate or enhance a more sustainable community. Sponsored by Government and Community Relations.
Sustainable Campus
Michael Brown and the UO Libraries team for sustainability best practices in preparing the new UO Portland library.
Recognizes an employee or team for the introduction of a sustainability best practice into their department or unit's day-to-day work or their service to campus. Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President of Finance and Administration.
Innovation and Impact
Michael Howard, Institute for Policy Research and Engagement, School of Planning, Public Policy, and Management, College of Design
Recognizes a University of Oregon researcher whose research has made significant contributions to human knowledge related to sustainability. Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation.
Videographers: Athena Campbell and Ian James Proctor.