2021 Campus Sustainability Awards
Student Leadership - Undergraduate
Sofia Baldridge, for her work responding to student food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic by increasing the frequency of free produce drops on campus and creating and running two teams of volunteers to help at the pantry and deliver SNAP enrollment information to literally hundreds of students as eligibility expanded.
Recognizes students who have made significant impacts towards human equity, environmental vitality, and economic well-being at the UO. Sponsored by the Student Sustainability Center.
Student Leadership - Graduate
Clare Haley, for her work on equitable infrastructure in the city, leading Live/Move, and co-authoring "Rethinking Streets during COVID," a text that has had wide access since publication.
Sustainable Campus
Transportation Services, David Reesor and team, for virtual parking permit implementation that provided immediate and long-term impacts to campus day-to-day work.
Recognizes an employee or team for the introduction of a sustainability best practice into their department or unit's day-to-day work or their service to campus. Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President of Finance and Administration.
Sustainable Student Support and Programming
The Duck Nest, Kate Stoysich and team, for sustaining student wellness during the pandemic through innovative programs and offerings including a "climate council" discussion group.
Recognizes an individual, team, or department unit for student-focused programs, projects, or initiatives related to sustainability. Sponsored by the Division of Student Life.
Lauren Hallet, for innovative and applied ecological research and sustainable agroecology projects, including work on the Willamette Valley's hazelnut farms and a collaboration with Eastern Oregon ranchers to develop more sustainable grazing plans.
Recognizes a University of Oregon researcher whose research has made significant contributions to human knowledge related to sustainability. Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation.
Barbara Muraca, for research around the degrowth movement, a new framework for indigenous-led sustainable practices with the Lummi Nation "Totem Pole Journey," and work as a lead author of the global Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
Recognizes a University of Oregon project whose innovations were developed in the course of UO research and are now offered as publicly available products or services that improve sustainability. Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation.
Town and Gown
Recognizes individuals or groups for projects that promote, educate or enhance a more sustainable community. Sponsored by Government and Community Relations.
Campus Design
Recognizes units or individuals who have demonstrated leadership and creativity in support of the Oregon Model for Sustainable Development. Sponsored by Campus Planning and Design and Construction.
Excellence in Teaching
Diana Garvin, Romance Languages.
Excellence in Teaching
Rachel DiNitto, East Asian Languages and Literature.
Recognizes faculty who have developed pedagogy and curriculum that reinforce and advance principles of sustainability through course design and instruction. Sponsored by Office of the Provost's Teaching Engagement Program.