Get Involved with the WRNA

Join an amazing team of volunteers and tackle big restoration projects within the WRNA! These events typically run 2-4 hours and involve: cutting, pulling, and disposing of invasive plant species; gathering and spreading native seed; setting up and maintaining research plots; and other priority projects from the WRNA's 5-year action plan. If you feel passionate and able to aid in our restoration efforts, we welcome you to sign up with the Student Sustainability Center's RSVP link below. Contact us directly if you require any further information.

The WRNA offers a range of internship and employment opportunities for UO students, and we aim to support your major or interests throughout the term. We encourage a diversity of perspectives and fields of study that will make the WRNA flourish! If you are interested in an internship, please review our priority project list and send us an email at with a list of projects you are interested in or a summary of a project idea that fits the vision of the WRNA.

Faculty & Class Projects
The WRNA features multiple opportunities for UO classes and researchers to collaborate. Please review our priority project list to find which projects are most applicable to your field of study and reach out to Emily Hamblen, the Nature Areas Steward, at