

As utility systems continue to age, major investment in renovation of these systems will be needed.  With the reinvestment comes the opportunity to transition existing obsolete systems to more sustainable technologies that provide better long term financial performance.  Utility Master Planning is needed to map out the costs, benefits and feasibility of various options.  The results of this planning effort will play a large part in determinging future energy and operating costs of the Campus utility systems.

A key component of planning is the establishment, adherence and maintenance of an Energy Management Information System coupled with Utility Meter Related Data Flow Architecture.  This complex integrated system is depicted below.

UO Energy Management Information System and Utility Metering

Collectively, The University departments of Utilities and Energy, Facilities Services, Design and Construction, Finance and Administration, Environmental Health and Safety, Office of Sustainability, Community Service Center are moving toward Enterprise-Level Energy Management.  This establishment of energy management principles across an organization leads to sustainable development.  The key priniciples for Enterprise approach are organizational collaboration in procurement, production, distribution, utility metering, data collection - reporting - benchmarking, future energy projections, keeping track of building level energy performance, utility billing and pricing, sustainable design - construction - commissioning of buildings, pollution reduction, and academic partnerships.

NOTE:  the preceding information are excerpts from the University's Strategic Energy Management Plan document available HERE.